Veil Lipstick
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
295 kr
Wineberry Veil
Angel Veil
Morning Veil
Pure Veil
Cranberry Veil
Elegant Veil
Evening Veil
Precious Veil
Friendship Veil
Natural Veil
Raspberry Veil
Röd Veil
Strawberry Veil
Wineberry Veil
sheer rose
sheer rose
A sheer wash of moisturizing color for natural, irresistible lips. Soft, subtle and beautiful. Due to high demand, we have to limit each customer to no more than 5 units per color, per order.
- Effortless glide
- Color-true
- Minimal bleeding and feathering
- Nourishing and lasting
- Buildable tint